Home Exchange Rates HKD Exchange Rates HKD to TOP Exchange Rates
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HKD to TOP exchange rates

Convert Hong Kong dollars to Tongan paʻanga. Get bank-beating foreign currency exchange rates with OFX.

Live rates as at Oct 22, 2024, 4:14 AM (CUT)

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HKDHong Kong dollar
TOPTongan paʻanga

1 Hong Kong dollar = 0.292136 Tongan paʻanga

Inverse rate 3.423066

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HKDHong Kong dollar
TOPTongan paʻanga

HKD/TOP currency chart: 1.00 HKD = 0.2983 TOP

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HKD Snapshot

  • Currency Name: Hong Kong dollar
  • Currency Code: HKD
  • Currency Symbol: $ or HK$
  • Central Bank: Hong Kong Monetary Authority
  • Reserve Currency: The Hong Kong dollar is not considered a reserve currency.
  • Safe Haven: The Hong Kong dollar is not considered a safe haven.
  • Countries Used In: Hong Kong
  • Major Unit: One Hong Kong dollar
  • Minor Unit: One cent
  • Cents per Hong Kong dollar: 100
  • Note Denominations: HK$10, HK$20, HK$50, HK$100, HK$500, HK$1000
  • Coin Denominations: 10 cents. 20 cents, 50 cents, HK$1, HK$2, HK$5, HK$10

TOP Snapshot

  • Currency Name: Tongan paʻanga
  • Currency Code: TOP
  • Currency Symbol: 
  • Central Bank: National Reserve Bank of Tonga
  • Reserve Currency: The Tongan Paʻanga is not considered a reserve currency.
  • Safe Haven: The Tongan Paʻanga is not considered a safe haven.
  • Countries Used In: Tonga
  • Major Unit: One Tongan Paʻanga
  • Minor Unit: One hau
  • per Tongan Paʻanga: 100
  • Note Denominations: T$1, T$2, T$5, T$10, T$20, T$50, T$100
  • Coin Denominations: 1¢, 2¢, 5¢, 10¢, 20¢, 50¢, T$1

Previous HKD to TOP Exchange Rates

HKDHong Kong dollar
TOPTongan paʻanga
Reporting period
1 year

HKD to TOP historical rates

Date1 HKD=

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